Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Information Security Fundamentals Essay

Answer the following questions. Use complete sentences.1. How does a trumped-up(prenominal) positive alarm differ from a false prohibit one? From a security perspective, which is least desirable? A false positive polish up is where the system IDPS was appall but no eruption ever occurred. The false negative is where an actual attack occurs and the IDPS isnt alarmed at all. The least desirable would definitely be the false negative, if an attack does occur and the IDPS doesnt even alarm well whats the menstruum in even having it if it isnt going to alarm.2. What is a honeypot? How is it distinct from a honeynet? A honeypot is a decoy system that impart lure potential hackers away from the ne dickensrks critical systems. A honeynet is where the system subnet is continuously changing and it lures attackers away by redirecting the the subsystems that are rich in information.3. What capabilities should a piano tuner security toolkit include? Definitely should be able snivel inc oming packets, scan the wireless hosts, and be able to view the aim of privacy. Keeping an eye on vulnerability is a must because wireless networks can be a little easier to breach especially if the responsibility security measures are not implemented.4. A key feature of intercrossed IDPS systems is event correlation. After re seeming event correlation online, define the following equipment casualty as they are used in this process compression, suppression, and generalization. Compression is when it imparting take several occurrences and will examine it multiple duplicates. Suppression is where the IDPS will just alert you if something major has happened instead of it just triggering off something unanalyzable it will still let you know that something triggered it. Associates alarms with higher leveled events, can be useful when corresponding with multiple failed ports.5. ZoneAlarm is a PC-based firewall and IDPS tool. Visit the product producer at www.zonelabs.com, and find the product specification for theIDPS features of ZoneAlarm. Which of the ZoneAlarm products offer these features?6. Using the internet, search for commercial IDPS systems. What classification systems and descriptions are used, and how can these be used to liken the features and components of each IDPS? Create a comparison spreadsheet identifying the classification systems you find.7. Use the Internet to find vendors of thumbprint and iris scanning tools. Which of these tools is more economical? Which of these is least meddling?8. There are several online passphrase generators available. Locate at least two of them on the Internet, and try them out. What did you observe?

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